Daily News Briefs, January 9, 2024

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Officials Brief Media On Progress Of Illinois Tollway's Elgin O'Hare Western Access Program

Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL 8) appeared with Illinois Tollway Authority officials at a media event yesterday to call attention to the components of the Elgin O’Hare Western Access Project (EOWA), Journal & Topics Newspapers reports. The purpose of the event was “to acknowledge the construction progress of the $4 billion project and to call attention to future work such as providing a western access to O’Hare, attracting more businesses and providing a major road link [connecting] I-390 with the new I-490 around the west side of the airport that will hookup with southbound I-294.” Krishnamoorthi observed, “In addition to cutting travel time, this project will reduce congestion on local roads, attract more businesses west of O’Hare, and create as many as 65,000 new, good-paying jobs across our region by 2040. I have been proud to support this project in Congress and to work with members of both parties at every level of government.” EOWA projects, launched in 2013 and scheduled for completion in 2025, are creating 17 miles of new electronically tolled roadway with 15 new or upgraded interchanges.

AET (All-Electronic Tolling) Chicago Metro Area ETC Systems Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Maintenance Illinois Illinois State Toll Highway Authority (IL Tollway)


Mitch Landrieu Leaves Infrastructure Coordinator Job For Biden Reelection Campaign

POLITICO reports, Mitch Landrieu, a senior White House adviser and coordinator of President Biden’s infrastructure initiatives, will leave the White House as soon as this week to become national co-chair of Mr. Biden’s reelection campaign team. “Landrieu, the former mayor of New Orleans, joined the Biden administration in 2021 following the passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Tasked with overseeing one of the most important legislative accomplishments of the president’s first term, Landrieu served as a key member of the president’s advisers.” The article summarizes Landrieu’s recent accomplishments and the president’s remarks on his resignation.

Associated Press reports, “Going forward, the infrastructure team will be led by deputy White House chief of staff Natalie Quillian, who oversees the implementation of major bills enacted under Biden.” It also notes that Landrieu has additional plans “to work in the private sector promoting clean energy.”

Appointments-Promotions-Retirements US Gov't Transportation Funding US Infrastructure Funding And Financing Initiatives


Three Self-Driving Truck Companies Prepare To Phase Out Human Copilots In Texas

Nothing less than the “potential transformation of the trucking industry” will be on the line in Texas this year when three driverless truck companies advance their plans to haul freight without the supervision of human copilots, Transport Topics reports. Sustaining investor appetite for the nascent technology, as well as public acceptance of it, will depend on the companies’ perfect execution of their plans. Gatik AI already has operated its unmanned box trucks in Canada and Arkansas and will scale up its fleet in the Dallas area this year. Aurora Innovation, Inc., expects to start converting its fleet by the end of 2024. Kodiak Robotics, Inc., will “start small in 2024 and gradually ramp it up as we build confidence in the system that we didn’t miss anything,” said CEO Don Burnette. Transport Topics’ in-depth article recognizes the concerns of autonomous freight hauling’s detractors — from the International Brotherhood of Teamsters to safety advocates who are concerned about inconsistent state regulations and the potential hazards posed by a big, malfunctioning truck. While critics assert that the driverless trucking companies are more concerned with profit than safety, the companies say driverless trucks will usher in cost savings and efficiencies in hauling, potential traffic safety improvements and reduced emissions through programming of travel speeds.

Economic & Social Considerations Affecting Transportation Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Safety (Includes COVID-19 Impacts) Issues of Law Self-Driving Vehicles Texas


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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