Daily News Briefs, January 11, 2024

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Oklahoma Bill Would Stop Turnpike Authority From Blocking Registration Renewals For Unpaid Tolls

Oklahoma State Representative Annie Menz (D-45) has filed a bill, HB 2968, to “block a state agency from preventing Oklahomans from renewing their vehicle registrations due to unpaid tolls,” Oklahoma Voice reports. Since 1997, the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority, in collaboration with a sister agency, Service Oklahoma, has had the authority to place holds on renewal applications due to unpaid tolls. In the past two years, it has blocked more than 300,000 registrations. In at least half the cases, holding up the registrations got car owners to pay their tolls. Representative Menz says she proposed the bill because the holds disincentivize drivers from filing renewal applications and keeping their registration information up to date. The bill will be taken up in the legislative session that begins on February 5.

ETC Systems Oklahoma Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) Oklahoma Turnpike Authority (OTA) Scofflaws


Research On Solving Truck Parking Shortages Spotlighted At TRB Event

Transport Topics reports, “Transportation officials meeting at the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting heard several proposals to solve the truck parking shortage. ‘All the presentations focused on ways to develop more trucking parking. We are trying to develop mechanisms to allow state DOTs to target investments on parking,’ said American Transportation Research Institute Senior Vice President Dan Murray, who led one of the discussions. ‘This would allow states to know, with great accuracy, where capacity is needed and where it is not.’” The article looks at potential congressional funding for parking projects and four ongoing studies — by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI), Missouri DOT and Cambridge Systematics, Virginia DOT, the University of California-Davis — into possible solutions.

Cambridge Systematics Information Technology Resources and Acquisitions Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) Service Plazas Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) Transportation and Infrastructure Research & Development Transportation Research Board Virginia


USDOT Grants Totaling $623 Million Will Fund EV Charging And Alternative-Fueling Projects

USDOT today announced $623 million in Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Discretionary Grant Program awards “to help build out an electric vehicle (EV) charging network across the U.S., which will create American jobs and ensure more drivers can charge their electric vehicles where they live, work, and shop.” The allocation will fund 47 EV charging and alternative-fueling infrastructure projects in 22 states and Puerto Rico, including construction of approximately 7,500 EV charging ports. The department noted that the competitive CFI program “complements the $5 billion National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) formula program to build the ‘backbone’ of high-speed EV chargers along our nation’s highways.” EV chargers installed with CFI funds must adhere to the minimum standards established for NEVI-funded chargers. “Community projects,” involving investment in such “convenient and high-use locations like schools, parks, libraries, multi-family housing,” will get about half of the funding announced today. The other half will go for projects along designated as Alternative Fuel Corridors. According to the news release, “The CFI Program advances President Biden’s Justice40 Initiative, which set a goal that 40% of the overall benefits of federal investments flow to disadvantaged communities that are marginalized by underinvestment and overburdened by pollution. More than 70% of the CFI funding announced today will support project sites in disadvantaged communities.”

Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Infrastructure Investment Trends US Department of Energy US Department of Transportation (USDOT) US Gov't Transportation Funding US Infrastructure Funding And Financing Initiatives


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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