Daily News Briefs, February 29, 2024

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Maine Turnpike Gorham Connector Public Meetings Start On March 25

On the evening of March 25, the Maine Turnpike Authority (MTA) will hold the first of several public meetings on its proposal to build the Gorham Connector between turnpike Exit 45 and the Gorham Bypass outside Portland, according to Gorham Times. Presentation tables will be set up in Shaw Gym, part of the Gorham Municipal Complex, where people can speak one-on-one with MTA staff, engineering consultants and municipal government representatives. There will also be a formal presentation followed by a public comment period. The newspaper article provides a good overview of the project and the developments that have occurred since MTA announced the launch of an alternatives analysis on February 5. It notes that the project has received considerable media attention and drawn both public support and criticism. MTA is still working out a final project budget. Media speculation is that the cost of the 4.5-mile connector would be $230 million to $240 million.

Environmental Protection Policies Procedures And Initiatives Maine Maine Department of Transportation (MDOT) Maine Turnpike Authority Public Outreach And Communication


MTA Is Poised To Start Testing Congestion Pricing Toll System

Daily News (New York) reports, “Work on the network of cameras and sensors that will enable the MTA to implement congestion pricing in Midtown and lower Manhattan is nearly done,” officials informed MTA board members yesterday. “Tolling cameras have been installed at 104 of 110 locations — roughly 95% of the planned tolling points — said Allison de Cerreño, MTA’s chief operating officer for bridges and tunnels.” She added work has progressed to the point that MTA can begin system testing, and it’s expected equipment will be ready for activation in advance of the June date when MTA hopes to start collecting tolls. De Cerreño gave board members an overview of the system’s components and functions. The article also takes note of the schedule of pending litigation that aims to block the tolling program’s implementation.

NBC News New York also covers this story.

TransCore holds the MTA contract to design and deploy the system for collecting central Manhattan congestion tolls.

AET (All-Electronic Tolling) Congestion Pricing ETC Systems Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) New York New York City TransCore


Surveyed Michigan Voters Favor Restricting Fuel Tax Spending To Road And Bridge Projects

The Center Square (Michigan) reports, according to the results of a new independent survey, Michigan voters across all regions and political affiliations strongly favor dedicating fuel tax revenue exclusively to road and bridge projects. “The 600-sample poll of statewide active and likely November voters took place Feb. 13-18 via live interviews and calling cell phones. The survey had a margin of error of plus or minus 4%. It found an 82%-13% overwhelming majority said all taxes paid at the gas pump should fund improvements to Michigan’s roads and bridges.” The survey was commissioned by the Michigan Infrastructure and Transportation Association (MITA), a construction trade group.

An MITA executive interviewed by broadcaster Michigan Public commented, “We are one of only five states that puts sales tax on our motor fuel and our 6% sales tax . . . generates about $1.1 billion annually. Only $50 million of that goes into our roads and bridges.” He added, “We certainly anticipate that there will be a debate” among state lawmakers over the use of the tax proceeds. Most of the tax money currently supports public education. According to Michigan Public, the polling firm, EPIC-MRA stated that any proposal to reallocate fuel tax revenue is likely to meet strong opposition from “school interests” and local governments.

Economic & Social Considerations Affecting Transportation Michigan


TRB Webinar Will Introduce Comprehensive, Interactive Guide To Road Use Charge Programs

The Transportation Research Board (TRB) will host a March 7 afternoon webinar to introduce the National Cooperative Highway Research Programs’ NCHRP WebResource 2: Road Usage Charge Guide, described as “the first comprehensive guide developed for states and agencies interested in exploring or implementing a road usage charge program.” TRB adds, the guide “is an interactive web resource packed with ready-to-use tools, building blocks, best practices, and a well-researched set of considerations.” The webinar presenters will provide instruction on the use of the guide’s tools and resources, which are customizable. Click here for additional program information or to register.

Information Technology Resources and Acquisitions Road Use Charging (RUC-MBUF-VMT) Transportation Research Board


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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