Daily News Briefs, February 28, 2024

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NY Thruway Travel Plaza Reopens As Another Closes For Renovation

The Citizen updates readers on the $450 million P3 initiative to revamp all 27 of the New York State Thruway Authority’s travel plazas. “DeWitt Service Area, located at milepost 280 between exits 36 and 35 on Interstate 90 east near Syracuse, closed Feb. 19 after the Port Byron Service Area reopened to the public. Port Byron is the 14th rest stop to be rebuilt since the project began in July 2021.” Fuel remains available at DeWitt, but restaurants and restrooms are closed. It is scheduled to reopen by the end of this year, and the system-wide project is slated for completion by the fall of 2025. Applegreen-led Empire State Thruway Partners holds the contract to rehabilitate and operate the travel plazas.

A Thruway news release has additional information about the reopened Port Byron facility and the status of the rehabilitation project.

Blackstone Group Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Maintenance Iris Buyer LLC and Applegreen PLC New York New York State Thruway Authority P3 & Privatization Service Plazas


Oregon Announces Second Round Of Community EV Charging Rebate Program

MyCentralOregon.com reports, “The Oregon Department of Transportation’s Community Charging Rebates Program, which helps fund Level 2 electric vehicle projects in Oregon’s communities, opens its next funding round at 9 a.m. March 5, 2024. The application window will be open March 5 – July 3, 2024 or until the funding is exhausted.” All $1.75 million from Round 1 was awarded, and ODOT now is offering $2.5 million. Notable changes in this round: Eligibility is extended to workplaces and repairing broken chargers, and the rebate amount has been increased for publicly accessible ports. See the article for additional details and links to applicant resources. (TRN inserted a link in quoted text.)

In December, the Oregon rebate program was one of the state initiatives to expand charging infrastructure spotlighted by AASHTO Journal.

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Economic & Social Considerations Affecting Transportation Electric and Hybrid Vehicles


PA Turnpike And McCormick Taylor Recognized For Creating Roadside Pollinator Habitats

“The American Council of Engineering Companies of Pennsylvania recently recognized Pennsylvania Turnpike’s Pollinator Habitat Pilot Project with the Diamond Award in Environmental Engineering,” VISTA Today, a hyperlocal news site, reports. The project, which started in 2022, seeds native flowering plants at sites along the turnpike to create ideal pollinator habitats. It’s led by civil engineering firm McCormick Taylor, and is part of the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission’s goal of being recognized as a sustainable superhighway by 2040. (TRN replaced links in quoted text.)

See the council’s news release on 2024 awards for information on other honorees. Projects in innovative engagement and regional traffic management were also recognized.

Environmental Protection Policies Procedures And Initiatives Industry Awards & Recognitions Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC)


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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