Daily News Briefs, February 25, 2025

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New Swedish Toll Rates Will Favor Fuel-Efficient And Low-Emission Trucks

trans.INFO reports Sweden will implement a new tolling regimen for heavy commercial vehicles — those weighing over 12 metric tonnes (13.2 tons) — on March 25. Rates will be based on CO₂ emissions and axle count in addition to existing European Union emission classifications. “The changes follow the ratification of an updated Eurovignette agreement, now approved by all participating countries.”

Although rates for many truck will not change, “operators with more fuel-efficient vehicles will benefit from lower tolls. The system is designed to encourage investment in lower-emission vehicles rather than impose a blanket toll increase. Older or less efficient trucks may see similar or slightly higher costs depending on classification. . . . The reform aligns Sweden’s road toll policy with EU environmental targets, encouraging investment in low-emission vehicles while maintaining a competitive transport sector.”

Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Environmental Protection Policies Procedures And Initiatives Sweden Toll Rate Changes


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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