- Florida DOT Highlights 2022 Accomplishments And 2023 Projects
- Brookings: US Lags In Confronting Looming Infrastructure Workforce Shortage
- Walmart Announces Expansion Of Drone Delivery Option
- AASHTO, ITS And Other Groups Urge Action On V2X Deployment Issues
- These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.
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Florida DOT Highlights 2022 Accomplishments And 2023 Projects
Florida DOT issued a detailed news release touting its 2022 accomplishments and offering a look at work scheduled to take place during 2023. Ongoing projects highlighted in the release include the phased expansion of I-95 express lanes in southern Florida; “Connecting Miami,” the department’s design-build partnership with the Miami-Dade Expressway Authority (MDX) to improve capacity and safety on I-395, SR 836 and I-95; and the extension of the First Coast Expressway (SR 23) toll road in greater Jacksonville.
95 Express (South Florida Express Lanes Network) Florida Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Florida's Turnpike Enterprise (FTE) Miami-Dade Expressway Authority (MDX)Brookings: US Lags In Confronting Looming Infrastructure Workforce Shortage
Route Fifty reports, the US needs to step up its preparation for the “silver tsunami” that’s facing infrastructure operators, according to a new Brookings Institution report. The federal government projects that 1.7 million people will exit their careers in the infrastructure sector each year through 2031. “That means 17 million infrastructure workers will need to be replaced over the next decade,” the report states, while noting that that number of replacements is greater than the size of the entire infrastructure maintenance workforce in 2021. Retirements aren’t the sole cause of the looming employee shortage, Brookings finds. A perception that working on infrastructure is “dirty and dangerous” is causing workers to leave construction, transportation and other fields in increasing numbers, and it’s also behind young peoples’ lack of interest in sector employment. Brookings urges public employers and federal grant makers to increase their attention to workforce development efforts.
Economic & Social Considerations Affecting Transportation Transportation and Infrastructure Leadership And Workforce Diversity Transportation and Infrastructure Research & Development US Infrastructure Funding And Financing InitiativesWalmart Announces Expansion Of Drone Delivery Option
Transportation Today reports, Walmart is following through on its promise to expand DroneUp delivery of up to 10 pounds of eligible items, including some pharmacy and grocery products. It recently announced that customers of 34 stores in 23 Florida, Texas and Arizona cities will have the option to order drone deliveries by the start of 2023. Walmart said it will extend the service into Arkansas, Utah, and Virginia by the end of 2023. The company charges a fee of $3.99 to transport goods “to the safest location of the customer’s home” in as little as 30 minutes.
Arizona Arkansas Florida Texas Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Drones) Utah VirginiaAASHTO, ITS And Other Groups Urge Action On V2X Deployment Issues
AASHTO Journal reports, “The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials recently joined nine other transportation organizations in support of a joint statement . . . ‘reaffirming’ their belief that deployment of vehicle-to-everything . . . technologies will save lives and that removing ‘regulatory uncertainty’ will help achieve that goal. The statement’s signatories all believe that 2023 will be a ‘pivotal year’ for V2X deployment and that, with the industry aligned behind cellular vehicle-to-everything or C-V2X, called for clearing a regulatory pathway to create a ‘unified, nationwide approach’ for C-V2X deployment.” The statement noted that the Federal Communications Commission “is poised to deliver much-needed regulatory clarity for the deployment of C-V2X through the issuance of pending waivers to operate in the 5.9 GHz Band,” and such waivers are “urgently needed” by stakeholders invested in advancing deployment plans.
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Intelligent Transportation Systems Transportation and Infrastructure Research & Development US Department of Transportation (USDOT) V2X and V2V TechnologyThese are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.
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