Daily News Briefs, December 19, 2022

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Tampa Bay Times And CFX Hail Florida Toll Credits Program

The Tampa Bay Times editorial board applauds the Florida legislature and Governor Ron DeSantis for appropriating $500 million to fund the program that will reduce by half the transponder account charges frequent tollway customers incur during 2023. “Yes, the toll relief could cause some people to drive more, which isn’t great for the environment or our roads,” the editors write. “But the state is flush with money, and many Floridians are not. Giving some of it back to residents in the form of toll relief will help them cope with the higher costs for food and housing.”

Orlando Sentinel notes that the program’s benefits will extend to customers of regional and local toll agencies, as well as motorists who use state-owned facilities. Michelle Maikisch, chief of staff at one of those agencies, the Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX), estimates that just 13 percent of its 1.3 million E-PASS account holders will be eligible to receive monthly discounts. Nevertheless, she says CFX is “excited” about the program and looks forward to working with the state on implementation.

Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX) E-PASS ETC Systems Florida Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Toll Exemption, Discount And Equity Programs


Shannon Swank Joins ETC's Senior Leadership Team

Electronic Transaction Consultants (ETC) announced that Shannon Swank, a prominent figure in the tolling industry, has joined the firm as Executive Vice President of Strategic Initiatives. According to a news release, Ms. Swank’s role will be identifying opportunities and developing “priority projects to meet long term goals for growth and profit including providing analysis of additional innovative markets for expansion.” Before joining ETC, Ms. Swank was co-founder and chief marketing officer for PlusPass, the Texas-based developer of toll and other in-vehicle payment applications. She serves as co-chair of IBTTA’s road use charging work group, and is a member of the organization’s Women In Tolling Council, Diversity Council, and Lost Revenue Task Force.

Appointments-Promotions-Retirements Electronic Transaction Consultants (ETC) (formerly ETCC) PlusPass (formerly BancPass) Puerto Rico Dep't of Transportation and Public Works Quarterhill Inc. Women in Transportation


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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