Daily News Briefs, December 16, 2022

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Central Tri-State Tollway Pedestrian Bridge Opens Ahead Of Schedule

A new Central Tri-State Tollway pedestrian bridge opened near Chicago Wednesday, months ahead of its originally scheduled completion date. According to the Illinois Tollway Authority, the new span is for cyclists as well as walkers and replaces a crossing that will be removed next year to accommodate other improvements that are part of $4 billion Central Tri-State Tollway (I-294) project. A local official noted that the bridge is the result of public, collaborative planning by two villages, a park district and the tollway authority, and “is an excellent example of how transportation infrastructure improvements can provide more multimodal travel options and better connect neighboring communities.” The facility connects two parks and features ADA accessible ramps, ornamental fencing and landscape improvements.

Alternative and Active Transportation Central Tri-State Tollway (I-294) (Illinois) Chicago Metro Area Illinois Illinois State Toll Highway Authority (IL Tollway)


Transportation Will Be Forefront On The Tennessee Legislature's 2023 Agenda

When the Tennessee legislature opens its next session in January, transportation infrastructure will be the “one big ticket item” pushed by Governor Bill Lee (R), according to State Representative Mark Cochran (R-23). In an interview with The Daily Post-Athenian, Cochran, newly elected to a leadership post in the House majority caucus, says lawmakers are waiting to see the details of Lee’s proposal to develop tolled express lanes. “That will be a new concept to Tennessee so we will see what they propose and how they envision it.” He believes lawmakers will also explore highway construction procurement — “We want to make sure we are doing it efficiently and in a way that is fiscally responsibly” — and an increase in the registration fee paid by electric vehicle owners.

Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Express Lanes Tennessee Tennessee DOT


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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