Daily News Briefs, August 3, 2021

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Watchdog Organization Says Infrastructure Bill Needs More Pay-Fors

The New York Times reports, “The proposed spending plan for the bipartisan infrastructure package may not be enough to foot the bill, according to an analysis from the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. The fiscal watchdog group’s analysis, released [on July 29], found that the so-called pay-fors ‘appear to overstate savings or count savings that have already occurred,’ meaning that the offsets might only cover about half the cost of the legislation.”

Infrastructure Investment Trends US Gov't Transportation Funding


Evidence That US Traffic Deaths Are A Growing Problem

Transportation Today reports on new Arizona DOT data about traffic fatalities. “The Arizona Motor Vehicle Crash Facts report published [on July 27] showed that the number of motorists killed in traffic collisions rose from 980 in 2019 to 1,057 in 2020, even though the number of crashes fell to under 100,000 for the first time since 1993. The report also showed that Arizonans traveled nearly 7 percent less in 2020 — nearly 5 billion fewer miles than in 2019,” and alcohol-related crashes diminished. Summing up findings regarding causation, the report concluded, “Drivers hold the key to reducing these figures – choose to make smart decisions behind the wheel, making roads safer for everyone.”

KIMT reports, 16 people died in Minnesota crashes over the seven-days between July 23 and July 29, bringing the state’s 2021’s traffic death total to 254, a 31 percent increase over the comparable period of 2020. “The biggest increase in fatalities has been due to speeding and crashes involving motorcycles. Speed-related deaths are up 42 percent from 2020” — when the total reached a 12-year high — “and motorcycle fatalities have increased 38 percent. . . .”

Arizona Arizona DOT Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Safety (Includes COVID-19 Impacts) Minnesota Transportation and Infrastructure Research & Development


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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