[Editor: This is the text of a March 16, 2017, news release from ARTBA and the Transportation Construction Coalition.] President’s “Budget Blueprint” Is a Missed Opportunity to Offer Permanent Highway Trust […]
Mailbag Items
Illinois Tollway Recognized for Its $2.5 Billion Jane Addams Tollway Project
[Editor: This is the text of a March 15, 2017, news release from the Illinois Tollway Authority.] Illinois Tollway Receives Award from Hispanic American Construction Industry Association for Jane Addams […]
TransCore Will Provide the Toll Collection Systems for Two New NC Turnpike Facilities
[Editor: This is the text of a March 13, 2017, news release from TransCore.] TransCore Selected to Deploy Infinity Digital Lane System along Two of North Carolina’s Newest Corridors Advanced […]
TCA Boards Select Faneuil as Customer Service Center Operator
[Editor: This is the text of a news release from the Transportation Corridor Agencies.] Transportation Corridor Agencies Select Faneuil, Inc. as New Customer Service Center Operator Orange County’s 51-mile toll […]
Illinois Tollway Will Host Diversity Programs Networking Event on March 14
[Editor: This is the text of a March 8, 2017, news release from the Illinois Tollway Authority.] Illinois Tollway to Host Networking Event to Promote Opportunities for 2017 Professional Engineering […]