Daily News Briefs, May 21, 2024

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US Lags In Installation Of Public EV Charging Stations

The Washington Post reports, last year, US all-electric car sales set a record. However, according to some experts, the country’s failure to meet the demand for public charging facilities is “endangering the transition to electric cars just as it’s starting to take off.”  Since 2016, EV registrations “grew almost three times faster than the United States’ public charging infrastructure. In 2016, there were seven electric cars for each public charging point; today, there’s more than 20 electric cars per charger.” The Post consults experts on the appropriate ratio of public chargers to EVs in the US, where the majority of current owners recharge at home and don’t rely primarily on public facilities. It also suggests this is “a pivotal moment for U.S. charging infrastructure generally. Last month, Elon Musk fired the entire 500-member Supercharger team at Tesla, which had helped make the company’s network the most reliable and widespread fast charging in the country. The U.S. government has pledged $7.5 billion to build out more fast chargers,” but its implementation program is off to a slow start.

Progress may be slow, but it is occurring. Last week, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine (R) announced the state will award $16 million for the installation 22 fast-charging stations as part of a second round of National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program funding. The new facilities will be placed on I-270, I-275, I-675, I-680, I-71, I-76, I-77 and four other highways. State grants will be supplemented by more than $4 million in private investments by the companies selected to install and operate the new charging stations. They include charging unit installers and convenience store operators. Construction of the new stations is expected to start later this year.

Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Infrastructure Investment Trends Ohio Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) Service Plazas US Department of Energy US Department of Transportation (USDOT) US Gov't Transportation Funding US Infrastructure Funding And Financing Initiatives


Congressional Democrats Reintroduce $500 Billion Proposal To Make US Transportation Cleaner

Inside Climate News recently reported on reintroduction of the “BUILD GREEN Infrastructure and Jobs Act” by Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and a House Democrat. The measure, “an effort to revive the original transformative vision that climate action advocates . . . brought to Washington at the start of [the Biden] administration,” proposes spending $500 billion over 10 years on a clean energy transformation intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation sources. Environmental and public health advocates aggrieved by a lack of progress in reducing air pollution and by the proportion of Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act spending devoted to highway, bridge and airport projects support the bill. While all forms of transportation would be eligible for funding through USDOT, there would be a $150 billion carve-out for fixed-route public transportation projects, and the department would be obliged to “give priority to collective over individual transportation projects and to projects that reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.” Senator Warren asserts the bill “will pump billions into the economy, create green union jobs, and safeguard against the worst effects of climate change.”

Climate Change & Infrastructure Resilience Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Environmental Protection Policies Procedures And Initiatives Infrastructure Investment Trends US Gov't Transportation Funding US Infrastructure Funding And Financing Initiatives


DRJTBC Board Officers Elected To New Terms

The Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission (DRJTBC) yesterday unanimously re-elected its officers to new 12-month terms. Aladar Komjathy, a New Jersey appointee to the bistate commission, will continue to serve as chair, a post he has held since 2022. Pamela Janvey and Daniel Grace, Pennsylvania appointees, were reelected as vice chair and secretary, respectively. Yuki Moore Laurenti of New Jersey will serve another term as commission treasurer. Komjathy, a principal of a government affairs firm, has served on several state and local government boards. Ms. Janvey, a former commission employee, has previous work experience in the real estate and social service delivery fields. Grace is a labor union official, and Laurenti is a Princeton University donor relations executive.

Appointments-Promotions-Retirements Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission (DRJTBC) New Jersey Pennsylvania


MassDOT Schedules Public Meetings On Sumner Tunnel's Summer 2024 Closure

Massachusetts DOT announced upcoming virtual public meetings on this summer’s full closure of the Sumner Tunnel (Route 1A South, Boston). The events — scheduled for the evenings of Tuesday, June 11, and Wednesday, June 12 — will inform the public of steps it can take to reduce the closure’s impact on commuting. In addition to its periodic weekend closures, MassDOT will completely close the toll facility from July 5 to August 5. The tunnel has been undergoing restoration since 2022. Another phase of major construction work makes this summer’s closures necessary.

Boston Metro Area Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Maintenance Massachusetts Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Massachusetts Turnpike


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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