Daily News Briefs, January 29, 2024

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Ohio Turnpike Budgets $254 Million For 2024 Capital Improvement

The latest edition of the Ohio Turnpike’s monthly newsletter spotlights the agency’s $254 million capital improvement budget for 2024. The spending plan covers both new and continuing projects and includes $16.4 million in uncommitted contingency funds. “More than $162 million . . . is allocated for roadway and bridge projects. Nearly 142 lane miles of pavement will be resurfaced, the pavement at a toll plaza interchange will be reconstructed, and an extensive amount of work will be performed on 26 bridges.” Several major projects are listed. The newsletter notes that budgeted projects include “completion of the toll collection system (TCS) modernization program and the design, furnishing, and installation of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) cameras and sign boards along the Ohio Turnpike’s mainline.” (TRN inserted a link in quoted text.)

WFMJ (Youngstown), WKYC (Cleveland), and The Blade (Toledo) report on local projects included in the 2024 budget.

Company and Agency Financial Issues And Reports ETC Systems Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Maintenance Infrastructure Investment Trends Ohio Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission


AASHTO Releases Update Of Annual Transportation Salaries Survey

AASHTO Journal reports, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) has released the latest edition of its annual “salary survey” on transportation industry jobs. The survey includes “89 matched titles, divided into five broad job categories: Administrative; Transportation Engineers; General; Maintenance; and Other. Each title includes a description, number of incumbents, salary range, benefits, and actual salary.” The updated survey is based on 2022 information, the latest year of available data. It is available in two formats that can be downloaded free of charge at the online AASHTO Store.

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Economic & Social Considerations Affecting Transportation Transportation and Infrastructure Research & Development Transportation And Infrastructure Workforce Issues


Maryland Governor Proposes Tougher Penalties For Work Zone Speeding

“Governor Wes Moore and Lt. Governor Aruna Miller [both Democrats] have introduced the Maryland Road Worker Protection Act of 2024 before the State General Assembly,” WMAR reports. “The proposed legislation comes less than a year after six construction workers [were] struck and killed by a speeding vehicle on I-695.” Tickets initiated through Maryland speed cameras currently are the lowest of their type in the US, but HB 0513 would raise the work zone fines from $40 to $290 — on par with the value of a ticket issued by a police officer. The legislation also would eliminate a month-long warning period before citations are issued from work zone speed cameras. At the moment, about 1,000 employees and contractors are active in 300 work zones throughout the state. Miller, a transportation engineer, said she’s seen the danger of reckless driving through work zones with her own eyes. “By increasing enforcement measures for drivers who choose to drive at excessive speeds through a work zone, this legislation will better protect the men and women who do the vital jobs of building and maintaining the roads we rely on every day,” she said.

Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Maintenance Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Safety (Includes COVID-19 Impacts) Issues of Law Maryland Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA)


Ohio Turnpike Drivers And Workers Can Help Police Spot Human Trafficking Violations

WFMJ reports, survivors and their advocates are trying to draw more attention to the human trafficking that occurs in Ohio’s Mahoning Valley and Western Pennsylvania. A “survivor and awareness expert” tells WFMJ the illicit industry is active in Ohio and both the Ohio and Pennsylvania Turnpikes are corridors for transporting victimized women. Ohio State Highway Patrol spokesperson Sergeant Ryan Purpura discusses the training he and his colleagues receive to help them spot offenses, which can be difficult to recognize. He also notes that toll collectors and turnpike customers can help the police by reporting “red flags” they see. In Ohio, trafficking can be reported by contacting the National Human Trafficking Hotline (at 1-888-373-7888, by texting BEFREE to 233733, or through live chat at humantraffickinghotline.org) or by calling the highway patrol at #677.

Both the Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission and the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission maintain human trafficking awareness pages on their websites.

Crime Beat Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Safety (Includes COVID-19 Impacts) Ohio Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC)


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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