Daily News Briefs, April 5, 2023

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MTA Bridges And Tunnels Celebrates 90th Anniversary Under New Leadership

New York City’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) yesterday celebrated the the 90th anniversary of its MTA Bridges and Tunnels unit, which was known as the Triborough Bridge Authority when it was established in 1933 to complete construction of the Robert F. Kennedy Bridge. An MTA news release noted, “In 1937, the agency’s first full year of operation, the agency recorded 11.2 million crossings, with only the Triborough Bridge under its operation at the time. Last year, the agency reported 327 million crossings – a nearly thirty-fold increase since its founding – and a record in surplus toll revenue of nearly $1.2 billion dollars to support the MTA’s public transit services.” Today’s agency, with seven bridges and two tunnels in operation, now ranks as the largest of its class in the United States.

Last month, MTA Bridges and Tunnels underwent its first leadership change in four years with the retirement of its president, Daniel DeCrescenzo, Jr., who rose from the position of bridge and tunnel police officer over a 33-year MTA career. MTA chair and CEO Janno Lieber appointed Catherine Sheridan, PE, to replace DeCrescenzo on an interim basis. She joined MTA in 2019, rising to the position of chief of staff at MTA Construction and Development. Earlier in her career, she held engineering and senior management posts at the New York State Thruway Authority and the New York State Canal Corporation. Sheridan is also a former US Army combat engineer.

Mr. Lieber simultaneously promoted Allison L. C. de Cerreño, PhD, to the position of MTA Bridges and Tunnels Chief Operating Officer. During her two-year tenure as the agency’s deputy COO, she led the Central Business District Tolling Program and supervised the team that designed and implemented OMNY, MTA’s contactless fare payment system. De Cerreño joined MTA from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ), where her experience included directing that agency’s tolling operations.

Appointments-Promotions-Retirements Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) New York New York City


PennDOT Facilitates Online Submission Of Unsolicited Proposals For P3 Projects

As TRN reported yesterday, PennDOT’s Office of Public-Private Partnerships is accepting unsolicited proposals from the private sector for transportation infrastructure programs and services through April 30. The department advises us that proposal submission information and instructions are now online at https://www.dot18.pa.gov/p3/ppforms.nsf.

P3 & Privatization Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC)


Washington State Truckers Reserve Judgment On I-5 Bridge Toll Bill

Due to uncertainties over the proposed I-5 replacement bridge’s ultimate design and potential costs to freight haulers, the Washington Trucking Associations (WTA) is reserving judgement on a bipartisan state bill (SB 5765) that would authorize tolling of the span, The Center Square (Washington) reports. As TRN reported Monday, the legislation faced no opposition during a Washington Senate Transportation Committee hearing, and it is now in the Rules Committee. WTA President Sheri Call told The Center Square, “[U]nder the right circumstances such as a flat [toll] rate and added lanes to improve travel times, ‘a toll might be worth it for the industry. If we’re able to if we have more [bridge] lanes and we can increase our efficiency, then there’s a trade-off.’”

I-5 Bridge Replacement Program (ODOT & WSDOT) Oregon Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Portland OR Metro Region Washington State Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT)


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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