Daily News Briefs, December 21, 2022

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Op-Ed: Oklahoma Needs The Highway Improvements Proposed By OTA

A Tulsa World op-ed penned by the leaders of Oklahoma’s three major business chambers endorses the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority’s $5 billion ACCESS Oklahoma expansion program. The authors acknowledge that the several proposed projects will enhance state economic activity and expand business opportunity, but say improving safety is “the most critical reason” for their support of the program. They cite the increased congestion in several corridors as justification for widening projects that will increase safety, and note that the program will “also addresses roads with narrow and unsafe bridges that cross the turnpikes.” In conclusion, they write, “Quite simply, improving our transportation infrastructure with [ACCESS Oklahoma] will also enrich the quality of life for every Oklahoman. The state’s business community looks forward to the safer travel conditions and greater accessibility that ACCESS Oklahoma will provide. It’s the infrastructure Oklahoma needs.”

Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Safety (Includes COVID-19 Impacts) Oklahoma Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) Oklahoma Turnpike Authority (OTA)


Georgia DOT Releases Major Mobility Investment Program Update

Georgia DOT’s year-end report on its statewide Major Mobility Investment Program (MMIP) highlights accomplishments in 2022 and previews $1.3 billion in projects that will be either completed or underway by the end of 2023. “Of the 15 projects currently programmed under the MMIP, Georgia DOT advanced five projects to construction or have started to prepare for construction.” The procurement process has begun to select contractors for two more projects, including the SR 400 Express Lanes, with an anticipated start in 2024. Design and public input continues for the remaining projects, including the proposed I-285 Eastside, Westside and Top End Express Lanes, and the I-75 Commercial Vehicle Lanes. Georgia expects freight demand will double by 2040.

Alternative Project Delivery Atlanta (GA) Metro Region Express Lanes Georgia Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) P3 & Privatization


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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