Daily News Briefs, December 20, 2022

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Kapsch's AET Conversion Of Lincoln Tunnel Completes PANYNJ Toll Systems Project

Kapsch TrafficCom announced that the recent launch of the Lincoln Tunnel’s cashless collection system marked the company’s completion of a six-year-long project to replace the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey’s legacy toll collection systems with Kapsch AET technology. “Kapsch installed new tolling sensors and equipment providing proprietary stereoscopic nVDC technology in order to create all electronic transactions,” according to the announcement. The Kapsch systems installed at PANYNJ’s toll crossings cover “four bridges, two tunnels, thirteen zones, two-way traffic with one direction tolled at reversible lanes and three plazas,” including the “toll point with the highest traffic volume and commercial traffic in the United States.” Kapsch also provides central host functionality with primary and secondary host server installations. Kapsch personnel will maintain the systems around the clock. PANYNJ Executive Director Rick Cotton commented, “This upgrade is a win-win for all drivers who use our crossings by cutting precious minutes from daily commutes, by reducing vehicle accidents in toll lanes, and by decreasing emissions from vehicles waiting in line to pay cash at toll booths.”

AET (All-Electronic Tolling) E-ZPass ETC Systems Kapsch New Jersey New York New York City Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ)


Center For American Progress Calls For TIFIA Program Reform

The Center For American Progress, the progressive public policy think tank, has issued a report advocating that Congress reverse 2012 legislation that removed USDOT’s authority to make TIFIA loans on a competitive, discretionary basis and made creditworthiness the sole criterion for evaluation of loan applications. “There is no reason for the federal government to subsidize surface transportation projects that will undermine national policy goals with a low-cost, flexible loan,” the report maintains. “Subsidizing [environmentally] unsustainable projects — especially new highway construction and certain expansion projects — trades modest, short-term travel time savings for large environmental remediation costs later on. This is penny-wise and pound-foolish.” The report cites Houston Grand Parkway (SH 99) project segments H and I as an example of an “unsustainable low-density, auto-dependent development” for which USDOT should not have been obliged to approve TIFIA financing.

Environmental Protection Policies Procedures And Initiatives Houston Grand Parkway Texas Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) US Department of Transportation (USDOT) US Gov't Transportation Funding


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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