Daily News Briefs, December 1, 2022

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Kapsch Introduces The Sustainable, All-Wood “Green Gantry”

Kapsch TrafficCom announced that it has succeeded in producing a wooden gantry made from locally sourced timber that “complies with all relevant European norms” and has a lifespan comparable to that of metal gantries. Kapsch says its “Green Gantry” has a component-appropriate design that “allows an installation comparable to standard steel bridges and also with the same service life and maintenance intensity.” In terms of environmental sustainability, the wooden structure has distinct advantages over metal gantries. It binds more than 20 tons of carbon dioxide, whereas fabrication of each steel gantry produces over 30 tons of carbon emissions. Kapsch avoids the use harmful preservative chemicals, which means structural components, when dismantled, will not harm the environment. Katharina Rynesch, the firm’s innovation manager, commented, ”Our road infrastructure is currently a blind spot in efforts to make the transport sector more sustainable. With our Green Gantry, we hope on the one hand to contribute to greater sustainability, but on the other hand also to demonstrate that even concepts that have been established for many years can be rethought and made sustainable.”

Austria Environmental Protection Policies Procedures And Initiatives ETC Systems Kapsch Transportation and Infrastructure Research & Development


Maryland Grants Brief Extension Of Civil Penalty Grace Plan

The Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) board decided yesterday to give motorists an additional two weeks to take advantage of the Customer Assistance Plan, an opportunity to pay overdue tolls without incurring the attached civil penalties. “High participation” and a “last-minute rush” on customer service resources were the reasons given by the board for granting an extension through 11:59 PM on December 14. After that date, MDTA warned, it will resume routine procedures (including collection actions and vehicle registration suspensions) for enforcing toll payments. The Customer Assistance Plan was adopted last February after video toll customers complained about receiving batches of 2020 toll bills that MDTA had deferred as a pandemic relief measure.

AET (All-Electronic Tolling) E-ZPass ETC Systems Maryland Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) Scofflaws


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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