Daily News Briefs, July 7, 2021

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WaPost Editorial: Maryland Express Lanes Opponents Fail To Confront Congestion Realities

The Washington Post editorial board, long a supporter of Maryland’s I-495 and I-270 express lanes plan, is harshly critical of local officials’ latest tactics of obstruction. “The paralysis in Maryland over Gov. Larry Hogan’s push to expand parts of two key important transportation arteries . . . is a triumph of partisanship, myopia and parochialism that poses a threat to the Washington region’s long-term welfare. There are no victors in Maryland’s dysfunction, but the losers are obvious: commuters hoping to avert a future of increasingly nightmarish highway congestion.” The editors also consider the opposition “an attack on regional comity” in view of Virginia’s embrace of express toll lanes as a means of improving metro DC mobility.

Express Lanes Maryland Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) Virginia Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Washington (DC) Metro Region


Another Setback For Metro DC Transit Project Funded Largely By Tolls

The Washington Post reports, the final phase of the Metro transit system’s Silver Line extension may not be finished by Labor Day, as project leaders expected. The need for additional work to integrate the facility’s two segments was disclosed yesterday during a meeting of county lawmakers. The revelation is another setback for a project that is notoriously overdue and over budget on account of a host of structural and materials problems. The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority is managing construction of the line, which will eventually come under Metro control. Dulles Toll Road revenue is funding nearly half the multibillion-dollar cost of construction.

Dulles Toll Road Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA) Transit and Toll Roads Washington (DC) Metro Area Transit Authority Washington (DC) Metro Region


July 4 Holiday Volume On West Virginia's Turnpike Reached A Ten-Year High

MetroNews reports, “According to West Virginia Parkways Authority Executive Director Jeff Miller, more than 1.1 million vehicles traveled on the Turnpike between June 27 and July 5.” Over the Independence Day holiday weekend (July 1-5), volume was about 668,000 vehicles, the highest for that period since 2010.

West Virginia West Virginia Parkways Authority (West Virginia Turnpike)


Mammoet Uses ABC Methods To Lift And Remove An I-95 Bridge In One Piece

A Mammoet news release describes how the engineered heavy lifting and transport firm used jacks, self-propelled transporters and accelerated bridge construction techniques to help Archer Western and de Moya Group lift and remove for demolition an 1,100-ton bridge. The approach accomplished in one night a demolition that would have required 29 work days and major traffic disruptions to accomplish through conventional methods. The bridge removal was part of Florida DOT’s I-95 Express Lanes Phase 3C project.

Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) Florida Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Maintenance I-95 Walsh Group


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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