Daily News Briefs, September 10, 2020

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The Kansas Turnpike Is Seeking CFO Applicants

The Kansas Turnpike Authority is seeking applicants for the position of Director of Finance/CFO. The job involves fiscal leadership of an agency with responsibility for tolling and maintaining 236 miles of highway that are part of a major interstate commerce corridor. A KTA brochure has additional information about the position and the turnpike system.

Kansas Kansas Turnpike Authority (KTA)


Audi's Integrated Toll Module System Is Now Available In Most New Models

ABC News Los Angeles reports that the rear-view-mirror-embedded Audi toll module is now standard equipment in many models and an available option in most others. The carmaker reportedly plans to expand the range of mobile payment options supported by the technology. The article makes passing mention of Reviver’s RPlate technology, which is reportedly customizable for electronic toll payment in California.

California ETC Systems Gentex Corporation Mobile Payment Systems Transponder RFID Technology


While Public Acceptance Of Self-Driving Cars Is Growing, Development Challenges Remain

Mashable reports, “The pandemic made us more comfortable with the idea of autonomous vehicles, but most industry experts still predict a slow transition to their widespread adoption in the U.S. When you’re avoiding exposure to a deadly disease, perhaps a driverless robotaxi, like the Waymo One service in suburban Phoenix, looks more attractive. But autonomous tech and testing regulations won’t accelerate just because of sudden mainstream acceptance and new social distancing norms.”

Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Safety (Includes COVID-19 Impacts) Intelligent Transportation Systems Self-Driving Vehicles


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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