Daily News Briefs, October 2, 2019

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Weather Forces Brief Delay in Colorado DOT's Reopening of US 36 Lanes

The Denver Post reports, “A wet forecast has prompted {Colorado DOT] to push back the reopening of U.S. 36’s repaired eastbound lanes in Westminster by a day, to Thursday morning. Last week, the Colorado Department of Transportation announced that the eastbound side would be open in time for Wednesday’s rush hour. . . . [Yesterday’s] overnight forecast called for a chance of rain, raising the possibility that crews wouldn’t be able to stripe the pavement, CDOT said in a news release” that includes a revised opening schedule. (Link inserted.)

Colorado Colorado Department of Transportation Denver CO Metro Region Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Maintenance Plenary Roads Denver US 36 Collapse & Reconstruction (Denver, CO)


PANYNJ Receives Award for Suite of Mobile Apps and Websites

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey announced that its Mobile Portals Project earned the 2019 Government Experience Award from the Center for Digital Government “for its highly innovative digital user experience.” The project encompassed three mobile apps and four websites that provide real-time data on traffic and transit conditions for PANYNJ customers. One of the apps, CrossingTime, is dedicated to the authority’s toll bridges and tunnels. “In a world where up-to-the-minute traffic updates are the norm, it is absolutely necessary that the Port Authority makes this technology available to our customers,” said Port Authority Chairman Kevin O’Toole. A digital management company, DMI, supported the authority’s development of the project resources.

Industry Awards & Recognitions Mobile Navigation and Traffic Monitoring Apps New Jersey New York New York City Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ)


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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